Our Policy
Health & Safety Policy Statement
FILOMIX Policy to do all that is reasonably practical to safeguard the health and safety of its employees and others that may be affected by its acts or missions, to prevent accidents and ill health at work arising from work activities, and to prevent damage to Company property. The Company as a minimum will comply with all health and Safety legislation applicable to its EGYPT business, and aim for continual improvement of its health and safety management system.
- To provide a safe and healthy working environment and to prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health.
- To contribute to the safe and efficient operation of Company activities by maintaining safe premises, plant and work equipment, and by the prevention of accidents and damage to property.
- To ensure as far as it is reasonably practical that the design, manufacture and instruction to users of Company equipment and products results in safe operations and handling.
- To provide managers and employees with sufficient supervision, information, instruction and training to ensure they are competent to undertake their work activities, including their general and specific responsibilities under our health & safety management system.
- To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities.
- To ensure safe handling, storage, transportation, use and disposal of hazardous substances and hazardous waste.
- To minimize the impact to the environment from Company operations.
- To consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety.
- To review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.
Our health and safety management system arrangements allocate general and specific responsibilities to managers, employees and supporting activities. The Designated Person, who has overall responsibility for the management of health and safety within the EGYPT, will sign this Statement of Intent and in particular will ensure that health and safety management is integrated into the main management structure and normal business processes, and that there is adequate organizational structure for health and safety, and adequate resources. The Company Health & Safety Manager will monitor the health and safety management system; advice management and employees on safe systems of work, company procedures and policies, and on current and pending EGYPT health and safety legislation and requirements under that legislation. All employees have a legal responsibility to cooperate with the Company for it to meet its obligations under health and safety legislation.
Organization & Procedures:
- The detailed organizational arrangements for carrying out this policy are contained in Company policies and procedures grouped in documents with a HS reference.
- This policy reaffirms the Company’s resolve to ensure that the health and safety of employees will be a key objective of the Company and subject to ongoing review.